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PHYSICAL EDUCATION (048) Class XII (2022–23) CBSE syllabus

 PHYSICAL EDUCATION (048) Class XII (2022–23)

Theory  Marks 70 

Unit I Management of Sporting Events 

● Functions of Sports Events Management (Planning, Organising, Staffing, Directing & Controlling) 

● Various Committees & their Responsibilities (pre; during & post) 

● Fixtures and its Procedures – Knock-Out (Bye & Seeding) & League (Staircase & Cyclic) Unit II Children & Women in Sports 

● Common Postural Deformities - Knock Knee; Bow Legs; Flat Foot; Round Shoulders; Lordosis, Kyphosis, and Scoliosis and their corrective measures 

● Special consideration (Menarche & Menstrual Dysfunction) 

● Female Athletes Triad (Osteoporosis, Amenorrhea, Eating Disorders) 

Unit III Yoga as Preventive measure for Lifestyle Disease 

Obesity: Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications for Tadasana, Katichakrasana, Pavanmuktasana, Matsayasana, Halasana, Pachimottansana, Ardha – Matsyendrasana, Dhanurasana, Ushtrasana, Suryabedhan pranayama.

  Diabetes: Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications for Katichakrasana, Pavanmuktasana,Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Supta-vajarasana, Paschimottanasana, Ardha-Mastendrasana, Mandukasana, Gomukasana, Yogmudra, Ushtrasana, Kapalabhati. 

 Asthma: Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications for Tadasana, Urdhwahastottansana, UttanMandukasana, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, Ushtrasana, Vakrasana, Kapalbhati, Gomukhasana Matsyaasana, Anuloma-Viloma.

 Hypertension: Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications for Tadasana, Katichakransan, Uttanpadasana, Ardha Halasana, Sarala Matyasana, Gomukhasana, UttanMandukasana, Vakrasana, Bhujangasana, Makarasana, Shavasana, Nadi

shodhanapranayam, Sitlipranayam. 

 Unit IV: Physical Education & Sports for CWSN (Children with Special Needs - Divyang) 

● Organizations promoting Disability Sports (Special Olympics; Paralympics; Deaflympics) 

● Advantages of Physical Activities for children with special needs. 

● Strategies to make Physical Activities assessable for children with special needs. Unit V Sports & Nutrition 

● Concept of balance diet and nutrition 

● Macro and Micro Nutrients: Food sources & functions 

 ● Nutritive & Non-Nutritive Components of Diet Unit VI Test & Measurement in Sports 

● Fitness Test – SAI Khelo India Fitness Test in school: o Age group 5-8 yrs/ class 1-3: BMI, Flamingo Balance Test, Plate Tapping Test o Age group 9-18yrs/ class 4-12: BMI, 50mt Speed test, 600mt Run/Walk, Sit & Reach flexibility test, Strength Test (Abdominal Partial Curl Up, Push-Ups for boys, Modified Push-Ups for girls).

 ● Computing Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) 

● Rikli & Jones - Senior Citizen Fitness Test I. Chair Stand Test for lower body strength II. Arm Curl Test for upper body strength III. Chair Sit & Reach Test for lower body flexibility IV. Back Scratch Test for upper body flexibility V. Eight Foot Up & Go Test for agility VI. Six Minute Walk Test for Aerobic Endurance Unit VII Physiology & Injuries in Sports

 ● Physiological factors determining components of physical fitness 

● Effect of exercise on Muscular System 

● Effect of exercise on Cardio-Respiratory System 

● Sports injuries: Classification (Soft Tissue Injuries -Abrasion, Contusion, Laceration, Incision, Sprain & Strain; Bone & Joint Injuries - Dislocation, Fractures - Green Stick, Comminuted, Transverse Oblique & Impacted) 


Unit VIII: Biomechanics & Sports 

● Newton’s Law of Motion & its application in sports • Equilibrium – Dynamic & Static and Centre of             Gravity and its application in sports 

● Friction & Sports 

● Projectile in Sports Unit IX Psychology & Sports 

● Personality; its definition & types (Jung Classification & Big Five Theory) 

● Meaning, Concept & Types of Aggressions in Sports 

● Psychological Attributes in Sports – Self Esteem, Mental Imagery, Self Talk, Goal Setting Unit X                       Training in Sports 

● Concept of Talent Identification and Talent Development in Sports 

 ● Introduction to Sports Training Cycle – Micro, Meso, Macro Cycle. 

● Types & Method to Develop – Strength, Endurance and Speed 

 ● Types & Method to Develop – Flexibility and Coordinative Ability

Management of Sporting Events

The planning, organizing, and carrying out of various parts of sporting events is referred to as the administration of sporting events. To ensure that events are effectively held and offer a positive experience for all participants and viewers, coordination is required with a variety of stakeholders, including athletes, teams, sponsors, and local government. Sports event administration requires careful planning, risk management, and adherence to all applicable laws and policies. The ultimate objective is to make sure that events go off without a hitch, securely and effectively, and while satisfying the needs and expectations of all parties involved.


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